The evidence is overwhelming that people that set goals are happier, live longer, and make more money.
Yet, very few people actually set goals.
Even fewer set them properly.
Have you tried setting a weight loss, fitness, or any other kind of goal before?
Did you reach those goals?
Become 42% More Likely to Reach your Goals!

What if there’s a simple strategy that can help make you 42% more likely to accomplish your goals?
I’ll tell you the secret to the simple strategy and the easy goal-setting procedure.
I’ll also tell you about the effortless goal-setting principle that will help you stop procrastinating and start taking massive action, putting the steps in place to start accomplishing the things that matter most to you right now.
This goes well beyond health and fitness!
I’ll help provide you with clarity and direction for where you want to go with your fitness, weight loss, and more!
Think of this as your goal setting GPS!
I’ll help you to stop drifting and start taking action.
It might even make a difference when it comes to setting a routine that you’re actually going to stick with!
If you’ve set goals before and didn’t reach them, don’t worry because you are not alone.
We have all been there, including me!
It’s actually really common to decide what you want to accomplish in life and set a goal towards working towards that one thing, but ultimately to come up short and feel frustrated and discouraged.
So, if you’ve tried setting a fitness or weight loss goal before, check this out:
Only 5% of people that lose weight on a diet can keep it off.
That means that 95% of people that have dieted actually regain the weight back.
And, sometimes, they regain more than they weighed in the first place!
Even after a heart attack, only 14% of patients make any lasting changes around their health and fitness.
How incredible is it that having a heart attack isn’t enough to motivate someone to make lasting changes?
It’s so tragic and it’s precisely why I want to show you what you need to do to make your goals so that you can make impactful and lasting life changes.
This is precisely where I begin with all my new clients and why they can be successful.
I call the “roadmap to success” because I’ll guide you through the process of properly setting goals.
You’re in the right place if you’ve been working on the same goal or resolution year after year with little or no progress.
You’re also in the right place if you typically start out strong working towards a goal only to find that your progress will slam into the wall once life throws something at you.
And we all know, life is always going to throw something at us!
So if you’re tired of trying to lose the same weight over and over again – and you’re ready to say enough is enough and prepared to be 100% committed to it and to YOU.
I’ve overcome being borderline obese, injuries, illness, and anxiety, and I help others do the same thing.
In figure skating, we use goal-setting to help us achieve our goals. So I know a thing or two about the power of setting goals that will help you get to where you want to be.
That said, I’ve also made many mistakes, and I want you to learn from them so that you don’t waste any of your valuable time trying things that just don’t work.
RELATED: How to Get Motivated
Keep Your Goals Few In Number
People get excited about goals, they see the potential, and they think this can really help me.
So they write down 100 goals.
But the problem with a list of 100 goals, or even 25 goals, is that if you’re going to be successful with goal setting, you have to keep them few in number!
No more than 3-7 goals, at the maximum.
When you can’t stay focused, you feel overwhelmed.
You might feel energetic at first, but it’s not how you feel at first that will carry you through.
It’s your commitment to these goals – that is most important!
This should be balanced throughout your life too.
For example, balance those 3-7 things between work goals, personal goals, and self-care goals.
And, only focus on one of them at any one time because the ability to truly multi-task may be a myth.
Make Your Goals Smart-ER

I’m sure you’ve heard of SMART goals.
These are SMART-ER goals.
Be Specific
Goals have to identify precisely what it is you want to accomplish, as specifically as possible.
An example of a non-specific goal would be:
I want to lose weight.
That’s really more of an aspiration.
And, if we’re honest, more than 90% of the population wants to lose weight.
So it’s not specific enough to be a goal.
But, if you were to say, I want to lose 10 pounds of fat, that’s much more specific and well on its way to being a goal.
You Can't Manage What You Can't Measure
Your goal needs to be measured.
That way, you’ll know when you’ve achieved it, and you can check it off the list.
A lousy goal might be:
I want to earn more money this year.
That’s not very specific, nor does it really have something that we can measure.
A better way to phrase this might be:
I want to make five thousand dollars more this year than I did last year.
That makes it both specific and measurable because you’ll know when you’ve reached that amount.
Another good example would be:
I want to reduce my body fat percentage by 22% this year.
Make It Actionable
Every goal should begin with an action verb like quit, run, finish, eliminate … you get the idea.
A bad example would be:
I want to be more consistent with working out.
A good example would be:
I want to work out three times a week.
Now, that’s an actionable goal!
Be Realistic!
You’ve got three different zones:
- Your comfort zone
- Your discomfort zone
- And your delusion zone
We have to be careful because when I say realistic, I’m not saying that they need to be entirely within your comfort zone.
Goals do have to be a little outside in your discomfort zone.
Not in your delusion zone, though!
One big thing to always remember is that change happens in your discomfort zone.
You want to push yourself, but you don’t want to have a goal that will be very easy because it won’t have the same meaning or significance.
Set Deadlines
Every goal needs a date associated with it.
Make it Time-Bound.
That’s the difference between having an aspiration and having a goal.
If it doesn’t have a date, it isn’t a goal, just an aspiration.
The great thing about having a deadline is, it creates urgency and drives you into action.
A bad example would be:
I want to lose 20 pounds.
But if you were to say, I want to lose 20 pounds by June 1st, that completely changes things!
See how deadlines are really powerful, especially when it comes to goal setting?
When setting deadlines with goals, an important thing to consider is to make sure that all your goals don’t have the same deadline.
Because you don’t want to be trying to accomplish a bunch of things all at once.
Plus, IF (and that’s a BIG IF) you were to finish them all, what would you do next?
Setting goals up all with the same deadline usually overwhelms people and has them hitting the panic button.

Make Your Goals Exciting!
Here’s where goals go from being SMART to being SMART-ER.
Your goal has to be compelling.
It can’t be incremental or something that someone else wants you to do.
It has to be exciting TO YOU because that’s going to carry you through when you want to quit.
Make Goals Relevant to You
Your goals have to be relevant to where you are in life.
You can’t measure your place by where someone else is.
You need to stop, take a step back, and let yourself off the hook.
Be honest with what it is that is relevant to where you are in life.
Sometimes we can be so idealistic that we will settle for nothing but the best.
Or nothing at all!
And we often end up doing nothing.
So it’s essential to be honest, and know if this will be relevant, given where you are right now.
Write Your Goals Down

Did you know that research has proven that you’re able to accomplish significantly more when you write your goals down?
Few people do this, but there’s incredible power in just writing your goals down.
It’s almost like you’re taking the first step in your intention of bringing the goal into reality.
When you write those goals down, your subconscious is looking for ways to make things happen, but if you just think them, they tend to come and go.
It’s much more powerful for your experience if you write them down.
In fact, there’s research that demonstrates this:
If you do nothing except writing the goals down, you’re going to increase the likelihood of achieving your goals by 42%!
So just write them down and give yourself an advantage.
Also, writing them by hand is much more useful than typing them, because when you write by hand, you’re more actively engaged and more aware of what you’re putting down.
Review Your Goals Frequently
This is by far the #1 reason that most people don’t achieve their goals.
By not looking at goals frequently, you’ll forget the importance.
You get caught up in life.
You lose focus.
And everything else will grab your attention.
So I recommend that at least for the first few months after you set your goals, you review them every day.
This keeps them present to you and after that, try to review them once a week.
Ask yourself what actions can I take this week to make progress towards these goals?
Share your Goals Selectively
In the past, I would share my goals with anyone that would listen, but then I discovered something…
When you share your goal with lots of people, your brain thinks you’ve already accomplished it.
In other words, when you share your goal frequently, you get the same psychological satisfaction as if you had already accomplished the goal.
So share your goals selectively with people that will help support you, hold you accountable, and keep you encouraged.
Someone who’s going to be sympathetic will also call you out if you start making excuses – not to nag, but to keep you aligned with your goals.
It Pays to Set Goals
It pays enormous dividends to set goals and doesn’t cost you anything!
The joy and satisfaction of accomplishing things that are most important to you are at stake.
Navigating life without goals is like trying to fly a plane while it’s being built.
And, despite what a former supervisor used to tell me, that’s just not possible!
You don’t want to drift through life reaching destinations that you didn’t plan, not knowing how you even got there.
If you really want to achieve a life that matters, if you’re going to get to the end of your life and have no regrets, if you’re going to look back with fulfillment and think, WOW, I really accomplished some great things!
This is where it starts, and it’s super easy.
Taking it even beyond your goals, goal setting is a fantastic activity that you can do with your kids if you have them.
One thing you might have realized is how much your behavior can shape theirs.
Having goals, and talking about goals, in an open environment is vital in shaping kids to encourage them to think forward and work on improving themselves and making progress.
I do this with young skaters all the time, and it helps them way beyond the ice.
The more you can get into the habit of setting goals, reviewing goals, and making progress towards goals, will not only will you benefit, but it will also have a tremendous ripple effect on your kids.
You Can Start Right Now!
If you’re, looking to take your fitness and wellness to the next level, you don’t have to do it alone.
If you’re still reading this, it’s for a reason.
My guess is that you are sick and tired of trying to lose the same 5. 10. 15, 20 plus pounds.
You know you’re capable of more.
You want to reach your true potential, but it feels like the cards are stacked against you.
You have a million and one things to do all the time.
You don’t know how you’re ever going to be able to put yourself first.
And maybe you just want to be told precisely what to do and how to do it so you can reach your goals and see real results.
You have a few options:
- You can choose to go the way you’ve been going trying to figure it all out, maybe spending another year, trying this diet or that gym, or wasting more time and feeling more and more frustrated.
- Or, you can go the simple strategic route and finally get results.
I want to offer you this opportunity to start my free Beginner 14-Day Quick Start Fitness Challenge.
When you join me, you’ll get a Quick Start Guide, daily encouragement, emails, access to an exclusive Facebook Group, and support from others just like you.
This is the easiest way to regain control of your fitness, and there’s no commitment because the challenge only lasts for two weeks.
You can do anything for two weeks, right?
Nutrition Coaching & Programs
If you are more interested in focusing on the nutrition aspect of your journey, I offer several programs that can boost your success!
There are several options that can help you meet your goals no matter your budget.